L-R Emmy (lying down), Drama, Kendra, Savannah & Teya

About Us

Wendy & Nick Jones met in Guyana South America in June/July 1994. Wendy, from Canada, brought a team of 14 (9 teens and 5 adults) to the country to build a Church and do theatrical ministry. Nick, from England, was there on a medical elective. In the 3½ weeks that Wendy’s team was there Nick got to know them all very well and by the end of the trip he and Wendy realised that there was something more there than just a friendship. After a quick trip to Canada in August for Nick, they got engaged at Christmas and married on the 8th of July 1995. They lived in Scotland, where Nick was finishing his training, until January 2001 and have now settled in Dorset, on the south coast of England.

Our ‘love affair’ with the whippet breed began with Chelsea, a 12 week old whippet-terrier mix we rescued in 1998 (once we decided to settle in the UK permanently). As soon as we realised all the ‘quirks’ we loved about her were whippet traits we knew our next dog would be a whippet. In January 2001 we got our 2nd dog (and first whippet) Savannah. She cemented our love for the breed.  We started showing her for a bit of fun, and got hooked.

We were only ever going to have TWO dogs at a time – NEVER more than that. Well be careful of saying never! On 12th June 2004 (Wendy’s birthday) our puppy Telyn (aka Teya) was born to Savannah’s sister and we brought her home 2 months later. 

We decided that we should have a 'Kennel Name' now that we were showing more than one dog, Although a cross-breed and spayed we lovingly call Chelsea our ‘foundation bitch’ as without her we would never have found this breed, so we tried to create an affix which would incorporate the names of all three our our girls.  We chose Chelynnah (‘Chel’ from Chelsea, ‘elyn’ from Telyn, and ‘nnah’ from Savannah) and the kennel club granted us the affix.

Originally we had never planned to breed, but as things changed, and our love for the breed grew we realised we couldn’t rule anything out. In 2007 we bred Teya and out of that litter we kept Drama. In 2011 we travelled all the way to Sweden to breed Drama and from that litter we kept Kendra and Emmy.

In September 2012 we lost Chelsea to bone cancer just shy of her 15th birthday.  We miss her every day.

Aside from the dogs our other mutual interests are reading, writing, cinema, travel.  Wendy has a small home business making fleece tug toys for dogs Tuggitz! Dog Toyz.  Nick enjoys cycling, running and more recently has taken up kayaking.

Please feel free to visit our website at Chelynnah Whippets.

L-R:   Kendra, Teya, Emmy, Savannah (back), Drama, Chelsea

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